Dear Friends!
I look for photos showing people knitting in different situations and places. If you have got one that you could share with me or a special one wherever you are now, it would be great!
I will use them to spread the idea of the new project “Knitting for a better world”. The project will include knitting workshops /first workshop for men in June/ and two days Knitting Olimpiad for Charity.
Love & Peace & Knitting


It is my last post about winter crochet and knitting this year /I hope so…/. Can not wait longer for spring and start working outside!  We have seen first stork flying over our village – Its a sign! So today I packed away my knitting-crochet workshop and cleaned my wellies ready for spring thaw and big ground clearing! So here are my last pictures of crochet. I hope my next post will be spring flowers!





After this long Winter all my family have got already enough pairs of socks, hats and scarves  for next season. Today I took leftovers of wool and came back to French Knitting. I have started to make small accessories. If the weather does not change, maybe I will beat the world record – the longest french knitting measures over 16 miles… 3103201331032013(004)31032013(019)

Cranes arrived… They were heard over the lake this morning…I could not see them because we are stuck again in our cabin. It is snowing all time, so it looks like we will have to use snowshoes to get out, or stay in and find a good cure for cabin fever. French knitting is getting longer…and so is the winter!

Digital StillCamera

                                      1st April – let’s start digging and planting!!!